Actor Arun Vijay’s upcoming action thriller went on floors today with a pooja ceremony. Starring Siddhi Idnani and Tanya Ravichandran as the female leads, the film is directed by Krish Thirukumaran, known for helming titles like Maan Karate and Gethu.
The pooja ceremony was felicitated by filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj who inaugurated the shoot by sounding the clapboard.
The yet-untitled film also stars Hareesh Peradi, Yogesh Samy, John Vijay, Balaji Murugadoss, Yog Japee and Vincent Ashokan among others.
With music scored by Sam CS, the film is set to have cinematography by Tijo Tomy and editing by Anthony. The film is produced by Bobby Balachandran under his BTG Universal banner.
Last seen in Mission: Chapter 1, Arun Vijay also has Bala’s Vanangaan gearing up for release.