The Navi Mumbai police have arrested two men from Kamothe for allegedly scamming a guy of over Rs 45 lakh. The arrested accused were identified as Nilesh Arun Kingawale (30) and Sanjay Rambhau Patil (48), reported PTI.
According to the report, between February 5 and March 3, the scammers enticed the victim with promises of huge profits on investments via a bogus share trading program.
Gajanan Kadam, senior inspector of the cyber crime police station told PTI that the complainant deposited a total of Rs 44.7 lakh to several bank accounts as instructed by the criminals. However, after failing to receive any returns and meeting evasiveness from the accused, the victim reported the incident to police on March 7.
Following an investigation, the police detained Kingawale and Patil and seized six chequebooks, debit cards, four mobile phones, and ten SIM cards from Patil`s home. It was discovered that the duo was involved in about ten cybercrimes. Additionally, the authorities have frozen bank accounts totalling Rs 18.51 lakh linked to the illegal activity, the PTI report further stated.
Meanwhile, in another incident, three people were booked for cheating several persons with the promise of jobs in foreign countries. Officials told news agency PTI that the incident in Thane city and that the accused were identified as Mutthu Raju Nadar (director), Sharanya Muralidharan (partner) and Ajumuddin Mulla (branch manager).
The trio, according to the news agency report, were booked following a complaint by a 38-year-old job aspirant from Mumbai`s Dahisar area.
The complainant had told the cops that he contacted the agency after he saw their advertisement on Facebook. Reportedly, he then made a payment of Rs 2 lakh to the accused for an overseas job however the agency failed to place him abroad.
Per the PTI report, the official stated that the accused offered to repay his money via a cheque, which was dishonoured.
The man, determined, sought a refund but he was allegedly threatened with a police complaint.
In January of this year, the man visited the agency`s office in Thane city`s Wagle Estate district and discovered that it had been closed, the PTI report stated and added that after that he approached the local police who had filed a complaint against the trio a few days earlier.
The station house officer at Shrinagar police station told PTI that they suspect the accused may have deceived around 250 job aspirants.