
Let’s settle the debate over which one is the very best of berries – it’s blueberry!
Blueberries are a widely distributed and widespread group of perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries. They are classified in the section Cyanococcus within the genus Vaccinium. Commercial blueberries—both wild and cultivated —are all native to North America.
Blueberries are a healthy food full of vitamins C and K1, manganese, and several other beneficial plant compounds. Eating them often may help with heart disease, brain health, and blood sugar levels. Blueberries are often called a “superfood.” This small but mighty berry is loaded with nutrients. They may help lower blood pressure, improve memory, aid in exercise recovery, and more.
What is a superfood?
A superfood is a food that’s rich in compounds that are beneficial to health, such as antioxidants, fibre, or fatty acids. While there’s no official definition of a superfood, the term is often used to describe foods that are rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
Blueberries contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide notable health benefits. For example, blueberries are rich in vitamin K, which helps promote heart health. The vitamin is also important in bone health and blood clotting. Blueberries are considered a superfood because they contain many nutrients and compounds that are beneficial to health:

Antioxidants: Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and neurological decline.
Brain function: Blueberries contain antioxidants that may improve brain function.
Blood pressure: Blueberries contain antioxidants that may reduce blood pressure.
Gut health: Blueberries may promote gut health.
Inflammation: Blueberries may reduce inflammation.
Stress: Blueberries contain antioxidants that may help reduce oxidative stress, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.
However, as it seems, blueberry seeds are beneficial as well and they have several advantages.
Blueberry seeds:
Blueberries do have seeds, but they’re very small and not typically noticeable when eating the fruit. These seeds are soft and do not affect the texture of the blueberry. In fact, the tiny seeds contribute to the nutritional value of blueberries by providing essential dietary fibre.
Fibre: Helps with digestion and can help you feel less heavy or bloated before bed.
Fatty acids and phenolics: A valuable source of these nutrients.

The combination of fibre and antioxidants makes blueberry seeds a perfect supplement, as these tiny seeds which aid in digestion and helps maintain a feeling of fullness. In fact, consuming blueberry seeds with pumpkin seeds as an evening snack not only satisfies hunger but also boosts nutritional balance.
Blueberry seeds, along with other berry seeds, are also used in face and body scrubs. Dried fruit seeds and fibres of berries such as blueberries can add colour, exfoliation and interest to skincare products. These unique ingredients provide a naturally creative flair.
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