The alleged manifesto that surfaced in the name of Natalie ‘Samantha’ Rupnow, the suspected shooter who killed herself after opening fire at her school, was probably not written by her and she was groomed online by professionals, new conspiracy theories suggest. The investigators have not confirmed whether the manifesto belonged to Rupnow or not but social media users claim it can’t be written by a 15-year-old English speaker as those sentences did not read correct — and read more like a translation.
A social media post analyzing the alleged manifesto has now gone viral as it claimed that there are too many odd turns of phrases and weird sentences and it’s probably a Slavic language translated into English. The suspected killer was probably trained online and the alleged manifesto was not written by her.
According to social media chatter, the alleged manifesto is consistent with Order of Nine Angles ideology which is a militant Satanic left-hand path occultist and terrorist network. People also suggested that Natalie Rupnow was part of an Internet alt-right sub-group.
What did the six-page manifesto say
It had an intro of her with her date of birth. Then it said that she planned the shooting alone and there was no one with her. It said the original plan was to commit suicide but “maybe its better for evolution rather than just one stupid boring suicide”. It said she got “the weapons by lies and manipulation, and my fathers stupidity.”
Then the manifesto ranted about humanity, and spoke about revolution before divulging some personal grudges — that she was mostly left alone, and was picked on by her classmates, that her therapist su**s etc. “My so-called family never included me because I was too weird for them, my father never treated me with respect. My father will always make me stand out in the worst possible way,”
“My parents divorced quite a few times which didn’t help me at all but not did it really affect me it just made me a little lonely because nobody was there for me and never really has. My mother tried overdosing when I was around 12 or something…” it said.
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